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Teaching Effectiveness

Teaching Philosophy, Lesson Plans, Videos, Student Feedback and Course Evaluations

Effectiveness: Bio
Clarinet 3

Core Values

Humanism: Education that honors individuality, agency, dignity, and human welfare.

Constructivist approach: Teacher as a Partner and Facilitator in a Student-driven Learning Process.

Relationship: Mentorship, candor, and a balance of support with challenge. Compassion, Empathy and Understanding.


Universal Design: Equitable, Flexible, Intuitive, Perceptible, Tolerant, Adaptable to Physical and Spatial needs.

Learner Independence: Cultivate transferable skills that lead to success in all disciplines.

Emphasize Principles, rather than specifics, so that students can begin to make independent, informed choices

Thoughtfulness: Draw awareness to harmony and analysis, encouraging students to think deeply about music, meaning, narrative and emotional affect

Musical Arts as a branch of The Arts, borrowing and interacting with the fields of visual, dramatic and embodied arts.

Inspire and Deepen Societal Value in the Arts by sharing examples of culturally-significant art and creative movements that changed the course of history

Advocate for Music Therapy and the field of Arts in Medicine to be expanded and endorsed by all major music faculties as a viable, rewarding and lucrative career option for students

Social Sculpture: The idea that one's personal art practice can be a means for improving oneself and their immediate sphere of influence

Effectiveness: About

Teaching Philosophy

Effectiveness: About

Student Feedback

Evaluations and Questionnaires

Effectiveness: About

Teaching Videos

Effectiveness: About

Lesson Plans and Assignments

Applied Studies, Chamber Music, Elementary Techniques

Effectiveness: About
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